Thinking of opening your own business?  We can help you:

  • Determine the best structure for your business; corporation, S-corporation, partnership or tax exempt entity
  • File compliance paperwork
  • Set up your books
  • Acquire and deploy technology such as computers, software, phone systems and internet connectivity including email, web sites, cloud services
  • Set up internal controls to assure efficient and effective operating procedures as well as security of your information
  • Business continuity planning
  • Disaster recovery planning

Already an operating business?

Our emerging business department will assist you by:

  • Reconciling your bank accounts
  • Generating income statements and balance sheets and maintaining a clean general ledger
  • Payroll tax filings, Forms W-3 and W-2 processing, Forms 1096 and 1099 preparation
  • Training and consulation if you prefer to handle these tasks in-house