There are many options for student loan forgiveness and discharge, but each has different eligibility restrictions and a different application process. Learn how to apply for student loan forgiveness.
- Public Service Loan Forgiveness
- Teacher Loan Forgiveness
- Loan Forgiveness for Volunteering
- Total and Permanent Disability Discharge
- Death Discharge
- Closed School Discharge
- Borrower Defense to Repayment Discharge
- False Certification Discharge
- Unpaid Refund Discharge
- Discharge after 20 or 25 years in an income-driven repayment plan
Some student loan forgiveness is automatic. Other student loan forgiveness requires the borrower to submit an application form. Application forms can be obtained by contacting the loan servicer or by calling the U.S. Department of Education’s Federal Student Aid Information Center at 1-800-4-FED-AID (1-800-433-3243).
There is no fee to apply for loan forgiveness. You do not need to pay anyone for help in applying for loan forgiveness.
Borrowers must file an Employment Certification Form (ECF) or apply for loan forgiveness before the deadline
The American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 made all student loan forgiveness and student loan discharge tax-free through . This legislation is likely to be extended or made permanent before it sunsets.
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The entire remaining debt is forgiven, including the outstanding interest and principal balance. If the borrower has made more than 120 qualifying payments, the extra payments will be refunded to the borrower.